I arrived in Buenos Aires on a flight leaving San Francisco on December 31st 2005 and landing here on the morning of January 1st 2006. I guess if you are moving to the other side of the world, January 1st is a good date to get started in your new city. It's also easier to get an upgrade on a holiday. You can spend the hours relaxing in first class and skip the New Year's Eve drill on the ground.
Actually a few years back I did witness a party on a flight to Argentina which was very entertaining. On that occasion after all of the little airline bottles were consumed, many passengers could be seen running up and down the aisles in their underwear. But this last time it was very quiet: not even a midnight toast. United employees don't have much to celebrate these days.
After one night in Buenos Aires I flew on to Uruguay to join cousin Annie and friends on Summer Vacation, already in progress. We stayed in the small town of Jose Ignacio with its beautiful beaches and very good restaurants and drove to La Barra every few nights looking for a little movimiento.
After dinner one Saturday night in La Barra we walked over to the bar Arretxe. We were a bit early but soon a procession of pretty skinny people started arriving looking like they were ready to make some drama. But the scene inside was nothing compared to what was about to unfold outside. We were seated around a table near the bar when we became aware of something going down near the entrance. I went out to find a crowd backing away from a truck engulfed in flames. Those who feared an explosion ran inside, but others were too mesmorized by the light and heat to move. Soon firemen arrived and started blasting away until the flames were gone leaving a thick cloud of fumes. Things were seemingly under control. But then the owners, a young couple who had been found in a restaurant on the other side of a nearby bridge, came running up to the smoldering metal and started frantically pulling out ruined surf boards and blackened luggage. Unfortunately their dog was inside and he was unconscious. With the help of paramedics and friends, they got him out and down on the dirt road. All surrounded the animal in a tight circle. We could see the hurried medical activity and, amazingly, CPR being performed. Crying, screaming and shouted instructions.
But in the end there was just the lifeless dog laying on the ground and the couple wandering around in shock - everybody trying to help - we could all see the pain on their faces.
They really loved that dog.
I hope that after a while someone gave them a little puppy that jumps for joy when they come home at night and follows them around the entire next day, just like their old dog did.
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